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Perhaps you are among the financially fortunate who struggle with being overly comfortable and overly confident. Or you may be among the financially challenged, struggling with deepening discontent and anxiety. The answer for the follower of Jesus experiencing too much or too little is the same . . . learning and growing in grace driven generosity.

Jesus’ letter to the church in Laodicea delivers an indictment of what is wrong, instruction for how to fix it, and an invitation to something better. If we will listen, Jesus is inviting us to let go of our self-sufficiency, turn to him for what we really need, and do life in fellowship with him. We need Jesus!

The wilderness. The desert. A hostile, dangerous and uncomfortable place. It is a surprising place to find the people God has rescued from slavery with the promise and hope of a new life. But that’s where we are. Let’s consider how God sustains us in our wilderness experience.

We tend to think too highly of ourselves and our ability to plan the future. James points out the sobering reality that we are not in control—and the arrogance of acting like we are. One of the ways our faith “works” is by submitting to and doing God’s will instead of our own.

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