We gather for corporate worship on Sundays.
9:15 am | Connection Hour
10:30 am | Worship Gathering
One of the most important things we do as a church is worship. Our weekly gatherings are centered on God and shaped by the gospel. We sing a rich blend of both old and new songs that stir our affections and point our eyes toward Christ. We hear preaching that takes God's word and applies it to the issues of our day. And we pray together for God's help in the mission he's called us to embrace. It would be a privilege to have you as our guest sometime. Drop in and say hello!
We practice expository preaching, which means that every sermon is intended to unpack and apply God's word to the everyday situations of life. Sermons are biblical, relevant, and saturated with grace.
Each Sunday morning we sing a rich blend of both old and new songs. Our singing helps us focus on the good news of God's redemption and engage our emotions in response. Our singing is led by a skilled band of musicians.
How else can I gather with people?
At Kossuth, we love to gather for discipleship. Learn more on our Ministries page.
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