We should trust Jesus because he alone sustains and satisfies us.
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We should trust Jesus because he alone sustains and satisfies us.
In the midst of trials, we must trust Jesus to care for us.
Our faith in God and his promises must regularly be renewed. Especially in seasons and events of our lives that cause us legitimate fears and concerns. Psalm 46 is a song that has been sung by the people of God for centuries to renew and refocus their faith.
If you want to persevere in doing good in the midst of suffering, you must
have the right mindset.
The testing of Israel in the wilderness continues as they camp at Rephidim and find no water. They grumble and complain to Moses, putting Yahweh to the test, showing their lack of faith. Jesus the true Israel, in wilderness testing of his own, submits himself to the will of the Father.