Welcome to Kossuth!


Here at Kossuth Street Baptist Church we're committed to glorifying God by leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. By God's grace, we've been striving  to do this in the Greater Lafayette area since 1944, and we continue to do so today. We're glad you're here! We hope to meet you soon.


  • Connection hour gathering (Christian education and fellowship for all ages):  Sunday mornings at 9:15am
  • Weekly worship gathering:  Sunday mornings at 10:30am (live stream available through YouTube)



We're located in the heart of Lafayette, just a few blocks away from historic Columbian Park. You can find our building at 2901 Kossuth Street.


We're an independent evangelical church holding to Baptistic doctrine. If you'd like to know our beliefs, check out our Statement of Faith.


Our congregation is led by a team of elders committed to shepherding, teaching, and prayer. Get to know our elders, deacons, and staff team. 

Contact Us

If you have a question or would like to contact our church office for any reason, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to drop us a note.


to encounter the grace and glory of God in worship

One of the most important things we do as a church is worship. Our weekly gatherings are centered on God and shaped by the gospel. We sing a rich blend of both old and new songs that stir our affections and point our eyes toward Christ. We hear preaching that takes God's word and applies it to the issues of our day. And we pray together for God's help in the mission he's called us to embrace. It would be a privilege to have you as our guest sometime. Drop in and say, "hello!"


to become mature followers of Jesus

At Kossuth we celebrate the fact that God accepts us as we are. But we also recognize the fact that he doesn't leave us as we are. Day in and day out, he is at work within us to make us more like Christ. And one of the key ways he carries out this work is through the church. Because of that, we seek to partner together and connect with one another in intentional ways so that we can embrace this journey of lifelong growth. We would love to connect you to some of our discipleship opportunities for children, youth, college students, and adults.


to make disciples in our neighborhoods and the nations

We believe that what happens outside the church building is just as important as what happens inside. God has invited us to participate in his mission in the world, and in order to do so, we must go boldly to the places of need. Whether it's in our own backyards as we love and serve our neighbors, or on the other side of the world as we take the message of Jesus where it is not known, we seek to be people steadfastly on mission for the glory of God.